Direct Hire

210-828-0508 Since 1979 - Your Full Service Staffing and Back Office Support Agency

Direct Hire

Qualified and experienced personnel are the backbone of all successful businesses. Recruiting and hiring the correct talent to fill critical job areas is crucial in helping a company achieve its’ goals.  With the assistance of our Direct Hire Placement Team your business will be better positioned for growth and future expansion.  Here are some examples of Direct Hire positions that we can assist you in filling:

  1. Medical  Professionals
  2. Professional Engineers
  3. Information Technologists
  4. Business Management Professionals
  5. Hospitality Professionals


Main - 102 Rilla Vista Drive
San Antonio, TX 78216

Phone: 210-828-0508
Fax: 210-828-0589

© 2019 - Renhill Staffing Services Of Texas | All Rights Reserved

© 2019 - Renhill Staffing Services Of Texas | All Rights Reserved